
Showing posts from January, 2018


This is something I never thought I'd talk about on my blog. Let alone experience myself. Being 21 years old and never going on a date or having a boyfriend is kind of sad. I suppose I kind of thought I'd bump into Mr Right unexpectedly while I was out or I'd meet a guy on a night out and we'd instantly hit it off. Trust me I've pictured all the possibilities of how I will meet a man. One thing though that I always struggled with was online dating. I tried going on Tinder once upon a time but I just kind of got intimidated and kept swiping no to every single one because I had very low confidence and also the thought of texting a stranger just made me feel a little shy. All negative thoughts came to mind. "What if he doesn't like the way I look?" "What if we meet up and he thinks I'm ugly?" "What would we even talk about?" You know just the general fears that I assume most people get or is it just me. Who knows? So long st

How To Get Motivated in 2018?

As it is 2018 it's the time to start a fresh and make some changes. One of those changes might be to make yourself more productive on a daily or weekly basis. However, the secret to being productive is of course having the motivation to be productive. Now finding the motivation and actually staying motivated can be quite tricky sometimes but I am here to help you. Here are my top tips on how to get motivated in 2018: Sometimes just thinking about the end goal can help you to get motivated. What is the reason you need to be productive? Whether it's doing an assignment, studying for an exam, cleaning the entire house, doing your job etc. Whatever it is that you need to find motivation for. Just think about the end result. Say you're like me at university and have a assignments to do. Obviously my end goal is actually getting a grade on my degree that I know I've worked to the best of my abilities for. The only I can do that is if I do well in my assingments and

What's In My Makeup Bag 2018

As makeup has become a part of my weekly if not daily basis and I have been sstoring my everyday makeup in a makeup bag I thought why not just show you lovely people what's in my makeup bag because who doesn't love having a nose in other people's things. It's a guilty pleasure and curiousity that all of us share. Above is my makeup bag which I got for Christmas so I'm not sure where it's from but I think's Primark. However, you can get makeup bags of a similiar style from anywhere really. This is actually a decent size makeup bag and fits all my favourites which I use on a daily basis but it's also the perfect size for travelling if I want to take a bit extra. Plus it looks very cute which is always a bonus. Now for the contents which is no particular order. I just picked the makeup out so this may be in a random order but who doesn't love the randomness. Now I thought I'd start of with the biggest things in my make up which

Start Of Something New

Happy New Year! It's the start of something new! I can't quite believe that 2017 is over and it is now 2018. That's just crazy. For me 2018 is kind of a big year and I'm hoping it's going to be my year. I'm finishing my final year of university this year and hopefully graduating. I'm also going to be practising driving in the summer and hopefully passing my test. I'm also offically going to be an adult and no longer a student. Sad times. Anyway, I thought I'd share with you all some of my goals that I have for 2018. Here we go: 1. Complete university and get my degree Now this is an achievable goal because I will be completing university this year and hopefully getting my degree at the end of it. I just thought I'd start this list of goals with something I know I can do so that at least I'll achieve at least one of my goals this year. Although I do try want to complete all of them if I can. 2. Have an after uni plan Like so