20 Questions Tag

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without
I cannot leave the house without my phone. I depend so much on having my phone because it's my way I' able to contact people or find out what's going on in the world. Most people with a phone will understand. It's always in my hand normally wherever I go which is kind of bad but I always depend on it.

2. Favourite brand of makeup
I love W7 makeup because it has cheap good quality make up. It's like a cheaper version of urban decays make up and it's still just as good. If there's one make up brand which I had to buy for the rest of my life it would be W7.

3. Favourite Flowers
I love roses but honestly my favourites have to be tulips. Their colours are so pretty and they look so beautiful.

4. Favourite Clothing Stores
My favourite clothing stores are Primark, Matalan and Asda George. I always buy clothes from there.

5. Favourite Perfume?
Just Pink perfume from Next and Zoella's Blissful Mistful.

6. Heels or flats?
Flats every time. Heels are too painful.

7. Do you make good grades?
My grades are mostly good.

8. Favourite colours?
Purple, blue and turquoise.

9. Do you drink energy drinks?
Not often but I would if it was given to me or if I really needed it.

10. Do you drink juice?
Yes, my favourite is pineapple juice.

11. Do you like swimming?
Yes, I love going swimming when the weather is nice.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
Only if I was eating in a restaurant or if I was eating them with something. Otherwise I eat them with a hand when I can.

13. Whats your favourite moisturiser?
Nivea Soft Cream Moisturiser

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
Yes I would love to get married some day to the right man. Just have to wait and see what the future holds.

15. Do you get mad easily?
No, I can hold in my emotions easily but I can get irritated quite easily sometimes.

16. Are you into ghost hunting?
No, never tried it before.

17. Any phobias?
Spiders and bats.

18. Do you bite your nails?
No, I never have.

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
No, I don't think I have.

20. Do you drink coffee?
Yep. Every single day.

Megan x


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