The Disney Tag!

Hey guys!

Now, I know I'm eighteen year old girl but I love Disney. I grew up watching Disney movies and sometimes if there's a Disney film on Netflix I will watch it. Anyway, as I love Disney I thought I will do the Disney tag so let's get started.

1. Who is your favorite Disney princess?
When I was a little girl, I always loved Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I don't know why, but I just always used to want to be like her. I still like her because she is a bookworm like me.

2. Who's your favorite prince?
I will have to say Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid because I think he's the most good looking one out of all of them.

3. Who are your favorite couple? 
Probably Belle and the beast in his human form. I just think they're good together.

4. Who is your least favorite princess?
I never really liked Cinderella. I would watch the film but I was never really keen on her. Don't know why.

5. What is your favorite dress/outfit of any Disney princess?
Elsa's dress because it looks amazing and all glittery. Also, it's Elsa and how can you not love her dress.

6. Which princess's life would you hate to have?
I'd hate to have Cinderella's because I'd hate to be made to do all the cleaning and taking orders from the evil step mother and the ugly step sisters.

7. Which princess do you think is a good role model for children?
Anna because it shows you don't have to be perfect to be a princess and also it doesn't matter if you're clumsy as well.

8. What is your favorite Disney princess tiara?
Jasmine's tiara because it so simple yet so pretty.

9. What is your favorite song sung by a Disney princess? (It can be a duet)
A Whole New World from Aladdin

10. The princess with whom you'll be best friends with.
Anna because I feel like I can relate to her out of all the princesses or Belle as I can talk about books with her.

11. The princess you'll dress as for Halloween or a costume party. 
I'd probably dress up as Anna again as I think I could work the clothes she wears.

12. What is the most interesting story?
Either Aladdin or Frozen.

13. Who has the best singing voice?
Elsa aka Idina Menzel. No competition.

14. What do you want to see from the next Disney princess?
Someone anyone can relate to. Personality wise and physical wise. A bit like Anna in a way.

Well, that's it from me. I hope you enjoyed this post and thank you for reading it. I'll be back soon with another post. Bye guys! I love you all.


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